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WordPress and Redis Integration

Redis is the world’s fastest in-memory database. It provides cloud and on-prem solutions for caching, vector search, and NoSQL databases that seamlessly fit into any tech stack—making it simple for digital customers to build, scale, and deploy the fast apps our world runs on. About – Redis If you’ve seen this alert on your WordPress …

Python Updating DNS records in CloudFlare

Updating CloudFlare API with your latest Home IP

[DEPRECATED] Go to this article instead There are multiple scenarios where you would like to have a domain name pointing to your home IP address. One method is to use a service like DuckDNS but there are several Dynamic DNS services you could use. Most Dynamic DNS services only allow you to update the …

Plot Contour Extracted using SciKit Image

SciKit-Image Installation for GNU/Linux Ubuntu

The purpose of this article is to get you started with a SciKit image processing tool by showing you how easy it is to install it. If you didn’t already know, “SciKits (short for SciPy Toolkits), are add-on packages for SciPy”. Each is a powerful scientific Python tool that can be installed with the Python …

UFW Firewall on Ubuntu

Setting up a Firewall (ufw) on a Ubuntu / Raspbian

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a hooded cyberpunk hacker hacking into my Linux boxes. Luckily, there’s at least one layer we can add to make that much less likely happen. Per a pretty good description and more advanced details surrounding the tool, UFW provides a much more user-friendly framework for managing …

Booting a Raspberry Pi from USB 3.0 Port Plugged in Device (e.g. SSD, HDD, FlashDrive)

Booting your Raspberry Pi from the SD Card can be slow and SD Card’s aren’t the most long lasting forms of media for physical data retention. Neither are NVME SSD’s but their write speeds are really good. To set up your Raspberry Pi to boot from USB, the details can be summarized as: Prerequisites Assuming …

Show Verbose Progress when Copying Files in Ubuntu Server via CLI

In short, I had some big files inside folders I needed to copy from one directory to another and wanted to know what the progress. This immediately took me to this article and I’m simply sharing the command here. rsync –info=progress2 -auvz /path_to_source_directory/ /somewhere/destination_directory/ This will display the progress with some information like write speed. Really helpful. …

Getting Started with an Arduino Nano in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Hey everyone, today we’re going through the initial setup of an Arduino Nano that I had received as a gift from a friend. This is a simple tutorial where we’ll be loading up a script (built into the software) in Ubuntu in order to make an LED light fade in and out. I’m basically writing …