OctoPrint Hologram Dependency Fix

OctoPrint has a sweet plugin called octoprint-hologram which overlays a ‘hologram’ of the 3D print while your printing. If you attempt to install this from the plugin install in OctoPrint, this may fail and the issue is a dependency issue that Numpy requires you’ll need to manually add. I found the below solution here: https://github.com/MarkSlat/OctoPrint-Hologram/issues/1#issuecomment-2119084078 …

Fast Fourier Transform of Pink Noise Generated using python

Understanding Pink Noise Generation in Python

Generating Pink Noise Using Python Pink noise, also known as 1/f noise, is a type of random signal that has equal energy per octave. Unlike white noise, which has a constant power spectral density across all frequencies, pink noise decreases in power as the frequency increases. It is commonly used in audio applications, such as …

Python Updating DNS records in CloudFlare

Updating CloudFlare API with your latest Home IP

[DEPRECATED] Go to this article instead https://ades-blog.tiempo.llc/updating-cloudflare-with-your-home-ip-using-python/ There are multiple scenarios where you would like to have a domain name pointing to your home IP address. One method is to use a service like DuckDNS but there are several Dynamic DNS services you could use. Most Dynamic DNS services only allow you to update the …

CrapTop.py (ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Exercise)

Introduction: Have you ever wondered what’s happening under the hood of your computer? I recently found myself on a quest to monitor CPU and memory usage on my computer, and what I thought would be a straightforward task turned into an exciting adventure in Python scripting. In short, Linux computers already have such processes that …

Installing motion on a Raspberry Pi and managing the generated files

The purpose of this article is to help you quickly install and configure the motion package on a Raspberry Pi (3 or 4). This should also theoretically work for several Linux flavors such as Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary, etc. Per their website, “Motion is a highly configurable program that monitors video signals from many types of …