I’ve tried aggregating several cities across the United States where the 2024 Solar Eclipse can be viewed from and distances from Omaha, Nebraska. You can click on each map and figure out how far it is away from you!
Below is a map of the path (Dark Shaded area is 2024 Eclipse)
Google Maps
Eclipse Glasses:
Below are the cities with links to the respective city’s eclipse events
Austin, Texas (Right on the edge)
- Partial at 12:17 PM CDT, Total at 1:36 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: Approximately 4 minutes and 21 seconds
- Driving distance is about 13 hours from Omaha
- https://www.austintexas.org/events/eclipse-austin/
Dallas, Texas
- Partial at 12:23 PM CDT, Total at 1:40 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: Approximately 4 minutes and 13 seconds
- Driving distance is about 10 hours from Omaha
- https://www.perotmuseum.org/events/great-north-american-eclipse/
Fort Worth, Texas
- Partial at 12:22 PM CDT, Total at 1:40 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: Approximately 4 minutes and 15 seconds
- Driving distance is about 10 hours from Omaha
- https://www.fortworth.com/2024-fort-worth-eclipse/
Little Rock, Arkansas
- Partial at 12:33 PM CDT, Total at 1:51 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: Approximately 4 minutes and 12 seconds
- Driving distance is about 9 to 10 hours from Omaha
- https://www.littlerock.com/eclipse/
Cape Girardeau, Missouri
- Partial at 12:41 PM CDT, Total at 1:58 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: 4 minutes and 17 seconds
- Driving distance is about 8 – 9 hours from Omaha
- https://www.cityofcapegirardeau.org/about/eclipse
Indianapolis, Indiana
- Partial at 1:50 PM CDT, Total at 3:06 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: 3 minutes and 46 seconds
- Driving Distance is about 9 – 10 hours from Omaha
- https://www.visitindy.com/events/eclipse/
Cleveland, Ohio
- Partial at 1:59 PM CDT, Total at 3:13 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: 3 minutes and 50 seconds
- Driving Distance is about 12 – 14 hours from Omaha
- https://www.cmnh.org/solar-eclipse-2024
Buffalo, New York
- Partial at 2:04 PM CDT, Total at 3:18 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: 3 minutes and 45 seconds
- Driving distance is about 15 – 16 hours from Omaha
- https://buffaloeclipse.org/ and https://www.sciencebuff.org/eclipse/
Burlington, Vermont
- Partial at 2:14 PM CDT, Total at 3:26 PM CDT
- Duration of Totality: 3 minutes and 14 seconds
- Driving distance is about 21 – 23 hours from Omaha
- https://www.helloburlingtonvt.com/plan-your-visit/2024-solar-eclipse-in-burlington/